Coming to Florblanca, Nature, Wellness
Improve your Surfing with Pilates Rip in, out, and around the waves of Santa Teresa with ease and confidence! Imagine crushing that wave with even more balance and control than ever before. You rip in, out, and around the waves of Santa Teresa with ease and...
Coming to Florblanca, Community, Wellness
Find Your New Rhythm. Stay Awhile. Extend Your Stay at Florblanca. As the world starts to open back up to business, school, and travel, people around the world are adjusting to new realities and to new routines. We are in a time of reflection as we re-examine our...
Blue Zone, Coming to Florblanca, Nature
5 Things You Didn’t Know About Costa Rica Blue Zone, Beaches, Wildlife and More! With the world in the throes of this evolving pandemic, this may be a time when we’re dreaming of our next escape. Or maybe even planning for a time in the future when we can safely...
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