Contributing to environmental health
Shining example of eco-tourism.

We are grateful and blessed for the opportunity to live in one of the most beautiful beaches of Costa Rica. We love this place, its tranquility, its surf, its biodiversity and its surroundings. The more we get to know and relate to this environment, the more we understand how deeply fragile it is and our responsibility on preserving it.
We enroll ourselves in joy in every step we make forward on this endless but exciting journey, we hope you can joy the sustainability experience as we do!

Our Mission

To be the change we want to see in the touristic development of our community.

Our Sustainability Policies
Reinforcing our commitment to Costa Rica’s natural beauty.
Environment Policies
• Make a responsible waste management to prevent water, air and soil pollution.
• Optimize the use of water and energy, through saving and the use of alternative technologies.
• Enrich the soil of our gardens through compost production of our resort’s organic wastes.
• Protect, respect and promote wildlife habitat and species.
• Keep gardens and structures free of agrochemicals or chemical substances harmful to human and wildlife health. Encourage the use of organic fertilizers and the enrichment of soils in a sustainable and natural way.
• Share with visitors, neighbors, suppliers and the hotel staff, our knowledge and experiences in environmental issues.
Purchasing Policies
• Inform and create actions to encourage our suppliers to participate in programs of environmental and social improvement.
• Promote local production.
• Reduce waste production and prefer reusable, recyclable or biodegradable products.
• Prefer fresh, natural and organic products.
Social Policies
• Develop employment opportunities for the community and contribute to their professional growth through training.
• Encourage guests to participate in recreational and cultural activities that our community offers.
• Support sports, culture, education, health and security programs in our community.
• Respect our traditional and existing living cultures in the environment where we are and we operate. Encourage our customers and staff to promote and respect our origins.

Non-Profit Organizations We Love
We proudly support these two organizations that work tirelessly to make our area a better, healthier place to call home.

Helping you become a guardian of the water.
The Nicoya Peninsula Waterkeeper organization is dedicated to keeping our land’s precious waters clean, for swimmable, drankable and fishable waterways.

Casa Sonja
An ecovillage and place of hope for Costa Rica’s women and children.
Casa Sonja is a locally based non-profit organization that offers relief for women and children who are witnesses to extreme poverty or domestic violence.

“Sustainability could be defined as an ability or capacity of something to be maintained or to sustain itself. It’s about taking what we need to live now, without jeopardizing the potential for people in the future to meet their needs. If an activity is said to be sustainable, it should be able to continue forever.”
Phone: 011-506-2640-0232
Fax: 011-506-2640-0226

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